Early intellectual development is the education of a child at preschool age. It is especially important to pay attention to him in the first 3 years of life, since during this period the structures of the brain are formed. This process is fully completed by the age of 8. Therefore, parents should not postpone the intellectual development of the child for the school period, because they risk missing the best time.
Thanks to the training at the STORK center, your children will begin to think systematically, approach solving problems of any complexity not only logically, but also creatively, since creativity is the highest degree of intelligence. That is why we have such a wide range of teaching methods, both authorial and creative.
The Academy of Talented Aist provides a unique opportunity for children aged 3-6 years to maximize their cognitive and logical abilities, as well as to express themselves in creative activities. Here your child will form a conscious desire to study at school and get everything necessary for this: knowledge, skills and abilities. We also prepare parents for active participation in the child's school life.After each lesson, there is a special time for conversations with moms and dads.
The STORK Center is engaged in comprehensive development, that is, not only academic knowledge, but also everything necessary for success in society, the desire for victory is laid here! Upon completion of education, the child will easily be able to enroll in any school in Dubai, as well as pass exams.